Our dashboard: https://dune.xyz/defiyeti/CLONE-X-X-TAKASHI-MURAKAMI

Our Dune page: https://dune.xyz/3stepcap

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TL;DR: One of our core contributors created a dashboard for Clone X, making it even easier to track volume, secondary sales, and floor statistics.

Project Summary

Clone X is a NFT collection of 20,000 next-gen avatars made by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸

Our Process

We wanted to showcase various aspects of the NFT data, so we broke it out into four key components:

Project Details

By querying the token address, we were able to generate a view showcasing uniqueness amongst the project. This mean that we could showcase the number of NFTs in the collection, unique contract addresses that minted a Clone X, unique addresses currently holding a Clone X, and calculate a uniqueness ratio by dividing the unique of unique holders by the number of pieces in the collection.

A sample of the data is attached below

erc721_project eth_address unique_holders total_supply unique_ratio
CLONE X 0x49cf6f5d44e70224e2e23fdcdd2c053f30ada28b 8271 18849 0.44

Volume Information

By querying the OpenSea endpoints, we were able to generate data on the number of transactions that have occurred involving the Clone X contract as well as the purchase prices for each of the transactions. This led to the creation of table showcasing the number of transactions per a date period with the number of transactions, the amount of ETH per transaction, average price, and buckets of sales prices. A sample of the data is attached below.

day transactions amount_eth avg_eth_volume avg_eth_price 20+ ETH Txns 15-20 ETH Txns 10-15 ETH Txns 5-10 ETH Txns < 5 ETH Txns
2022-02-12 00:00 10 158.3 0.06317119393556538 15.83 0 8 1 0 0
2022-02-11 00:00 58 1054.88 0.05498255725769756 18.18758620689655 11 22 18 0 0
2022-02-10 00:00 41 681.946 0.06012206245069258 16.63282926829268 3 21 13 0 0

Floor Statistics

By querying Dune’s nft.trades data table, we were able to get information regarding the floor price for the project and break it into hourly intervals with visualizations accompanying that information.

Secondary Sales

Since we had gathered the information around the number of sales and individual sales prices, we were able to derive a total volume value (in ETH), number of sales, and highlight the largest sale price. A sample of the data is attached below:

max_sale num_sales total_volume
450 23850 243123.88

Historical Info

By querying Etherscan, we were able to create views to generate additional insights into the Clone X project. This meant sorting the sales from highest to lowest to find the highest sales prices, create a feed of all the transaction as they occur, find the token (Clone X ID) that most frequently changed hands, and wallet addresses that hold the most Clone X NFTs.