A blockchain is an immutable ledger of transactions. Any transfer of any asset on chain is able to be seen by anyone with access to a block explorer. With projects like etherscan that has become an incredibly simple task. However, when trying to gain a full picture view of how an asset flows on chain, looking transaction by transaction can be an exhausting process.

We wanted to find a way to visualize how transactions flow through the network and needed a project as our test case. Being that compound is an incredibly trusted project and effectively set off defi summer with their launch of the COMP liquidity mining, we decided that would a perfect first project to look at.

Initially we created a 2d view which we found quite challenging to navigate based on the number of nodes and edges. It did make for a beautiful graphic that we linked above as the cover photo. But it wasn’t intuitive enough to really track anything.

Eventually we came across some open source technology that enables 3D nodes and edges graphing and it worked perfectly. With the following visualization we were able to see all on chain transactions from any address to any address in three dimensional space. By leveraging open source address books as well as our own compilation of addresses, we were able to label a good number of those addresses making for a view we have never seen in the market.


To view the project, see here: 👉 https://graphvizcomp.herokuapp.com/