1. **Bitcoin Whitepaper -** This is what started everything. It might be one of the most important published works of our generation.
    1. Ivan on tech walking you through the whitepaper: Link
    2. Byzantine Generals problem explained in normal english: Link
  2. **a16z crypto canon -** Great resource on all things crypto. Its pretty heavy BTC and Ethereum but also gets pretty deep into the philosophy.
  3. Bernard Lietaer on Money Diversity - Monetary theorist explaining what a world where currencies compete with each other might look like.
  4. How the Economic Machine Works - Great video by ray dalio explaining in normal english how our economy functions today.
  5. How Money is Created - Great video by cold fusion explaining how money is created today
  6. Bernard Lietaer on how money is created - Good ole Bernie explaining how money is created and highlighting how ridiculous and hard to trace that process really is
  7. WTF is the blockchain - Blog explaining what a blockchain is in simple english with graphics.
  8. Why bitcoin matters by Marc Andreessen - Good blog by the guy who built what we all call today the web browser and leads one of the most influential VCs out of silicon valley on why bitcoin matters
  9. Gary V on Crypto - This video connects a lot of dots about how crypto might play out.
  10. Bitcoin is a Cult, Fiat is a Religion - Super interesting perspective on the crypto community toda